I don't think you have to show up with $100 million to do it. ... I'm the tortoise in the race.” Slow and steady wins the race…unless you’re slow to raise money than you’re just out of the race. I don’t believe many of us have been in this situation, but if you’re Sen. Sam Brownback this might just be the case.
According to recent reports, Brownback, who has been a Republican candidate for President, has decided to drop out of the race. Though there has been no official word made, Brownback is expected to make the announcement on Friday. A conservative contender, Brownback had trouble raising enough money to compete in the race. But while he may no longer be interested in the White House, he is believed to run for Kansas governor’s office in 2010.
So is the Republican Party loosing a key member, well depending on what you knew of Sam Brownback the choice would be yours, but as for now Brown-backs out.