It would seem that the little voice speaking of the supposed failure of the Bush administration, is telling the media to promote the Democrats. Turn on your televisions, radios, or flip through a magazine and you will most likely see more coverage on the Democratic candidates. Perhaps if there had never been a war, the Republicans wouldn’t be looked at as the least capable party of cleaning up this “supposed” mess. And maybe if we hadn’t gone to war there would be peace in the world. And we wouldn’t have the problems we have now. Wait sorry this isn’t Hollywood.
America is split into four sections. You have 1) Against the war; 2) For the war; 3) Neutral; and 4) Only cares about what Entertainment Tonight and TMZ have to say. So with this in mind, it would seem this election is more popular. Why? Because everyone is trying to find the person who they believe will lead them to the Promise Land.
So who will it be for both parties? Well the choice of course lies in the hands of America. But look where that gets us. Pro-Bush voters outnumbered Pro-Gore 2000/Kerry 2004 voters. Americans are always going to disagree when it comes to who is sitting in the Oval Office. But when it comes to electing someone to such a high position we have to do two things- 1) Pray that they have the strength to lead; and 2) Remember they're just like us, they just have a bigger job. So keep that in mind on this long haul.
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