Monday, December 31, 2007

In 08': You Decide

A new era began in D.C. when Nancy Pelosi became the first female speaker of the United States House of Representatives. And with a new speaker on Capital Hill Americans began searching for someone to move into the House. Reporting for the Democrats: Senators Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards- and just for fun will throw in Dennis Kucinich. For the Republicans: former NY mayor Rudy Guiliani, Governors Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and Sen. John McCain. And former Law & Order star Fred Thompson decided he’d pull a Ronald Regan and joined the race as well.

With Iowa just three days away, and the entire spotlight on the candidates, you’d almost think we didn’t have a president.To me it seems that the only press Bush gets is of how low his approval rating is; that and his “special moments” shown on the Late Show with David Lettermen. It would seem that many Americans are not happy with the way things went in Bush’s second term. So because many are supposedly not happy, they feel, judging by what the media reports, that they should begin the search for our country’s next commander-in-chief.

For much time it was the Democrats receiving all the attention, mostly because they weren’t republicans. The candidates running for president decided the one way to win hearts is by ending the War on Terror. A very touchy subject, Clinton, Obama, and Edwards have all stated their strategic moves on pulling out the supposed thorn in our sides. So flash forward into the future: a Democrat has been elected into office. Troops are beginning to come, families rejoicing, oh happy days are here again! But wait, why are the terrorists rejoicing? Perhaps it’s because the Democrats decided to share their diary with how many troops their pulling out and when.

I want to make it clear that I’m not attacking the Democratic Party, just stating a few issues I had. And hey, it’s not like the Republicans don’t have their share of issues. Guiliani gets cancer once, beats it, gets ill on the campaign trail, next thing you know voters aren’t sure they want to elect a William Henry Harrison. Mike Huckabee receives lavish gifts from supporters, says Merry Ch***sm*s, and he has problems. Mitt Romney is a Mormon, but voters have a problem with that- they aren’t sure they want someone of different faith sitting in the Oval Office.

NEWS FLASH: Religions in America: Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Seventh - day Adventist, etc. You’re never going to have a president who’s going to share the same faith with everyone.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution: >>>>>Freedom of Religion<<<<<<
And as you may have noticed I haven’t touched on the topics the candidates stand for, but merely problems they have faced. But by showing you problems they have faced, I’ve shown the things that we’re considering calling an issue. Americans are never going to find the man or woman who will be the leader for all; at least I don’t think the days of finding another FDR are going to be happening anytime soon. But we can of course vote for the person who WE find the best for the job, whether they’re a person who has reminded us on occasion that he has led us out of tragedy, or a person who has entertained us on TV. Or even a woman who walks around with her husband, showing that she still needs a little help reeling voters in. So remember, in 08’: You Decide.

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