Friday, February 22, 2008


Oh what a week it was. First you have Hillary Clinton accusing Barack Obama of plagiarism, then you have John McCain being accused of having an affair with a lobbyist. So this brings the question, did they and do we even care?

Hillary Clinton says her opponent uttered words spoken by a friend of his, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. The words spoken by Barack some time ago, we said by Patrick nearly a year ago. In last night's debate on CNN in Texas, Clinton stated, "If your candidacy is going to be about words then they should be your own words." She went on to add, "...Lifting whole passages from someone else's speeches is not change you can believe in, it's change you can Xerox." This statement was met with booing from the attending audience. If Hillary was trying to get some sort of upper hand by making Obama look bad - poorly done.

Sen. John McCain found himself victim of a story printed by the New York Times, a story saying he became involved with a lobbyist several years ago. Personally I believe the sources for this unproven headline have obviously gotten their facts wrong. Isn't it obvious what probably happened? We should all know that McCain is a bit of twitcher, this could've been mistaken for winking. Who knows what caused this story, and who knows why the New York Times decided to print it now. It is possible that someone is looking to shed a little dirt on the GOP frontrunner.

Do these events mean the tides will change for these two candidates? Probably not. Obama is ahead of Hillary, and all McCain has to worry about is whether the Republican party will embrace him. So here's a word of advice for Hillary and the New York Times, when going through someone's closet, make sure you're not placing fake skeletons.

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