Ever since Barack Obama announced Joe Biden as his running mate, America has been waiting to see who John McCain would pick. But first, remember the days where Mike Huckabee, one of the last to run against McCain for the GOP nominee, was thought to be a possible VP pick? And even in the past week Mitt Romney, another former opponent, was a possible choice, along with other candidates in mind, including Joe Liberman. Well those days are gone because as of today McCain's VP pick is Sarah Palin. Who?
Alaska's youngest and first female governor, surprised the country today when McCain announced her as his running mate. But the one thing on just about everyone's mind was, "who is this woman?"
She was point guard and captain of her high school's basketball team. She earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her intense play. In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty contest, then finished second in the Miss Alaska pageant,which won her a college scholarship. Today she celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary. She has five children. The eldest, a son, is heading off to Iraq next month, and her youngest son (born in April) has Down syndrome.
As stated on Fox News, McCain described Palin as someone with “grit and integrity and devotion to the common good that is exactly what we need in Washington today,” McCain said Palin “knows where she comes from and she knows who she works for. She stands up for what is right and she doesn’t tell anyone to sit down. She’s fought oil companies and party bosses and do-nothing bureaucrats and anyone who puts their interests before the people they serve.”
The McCain campaign also calls Pain a reformer "who has challenged the influence of the big oil companies while fighting for the development of new energy resources. She leads a state that matters to every one of us. In Alaska, Governor Palin challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill. She has actually used her veto and cut budgetary spending. She put a stop to the ‘bridge to nowhere’ that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars".
A McCain campaign aide says it best that a shake-up is coming to Washington, John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Thursday, August 28, 2008 will be remembered as the day where Sen. Barack Obama was the first African-American to accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States of America. Unfortunately, and in my opinion, that’s about all it will be remembered for. Why? Because I’m pretty sure it’s the speech has been used before. I mean there was nothing new, nothing really to explain why he must be the candidate to elect. As far as I’ve seen Democrats, and even Republicans, know one strategy; bash the rival and the rival's party. “But the record's clear: John McCain has voted with George Bush ninety percent of the time. Senator McCain likes to talk about judgment, but really, what does it say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right more than ninety percent of the time? I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to take a ten percent chance on change.” Not ready to take a ten percent chance on change, but wants Americans to take a one-hundred percent chance/risk/leap of faith on him, a candidate Shawn Hannity has no problem labeling “inexperienced”- even Biden said something similar.
After watching BS (Barack’s Speech, hahaha) last night, I would find the most ridiculous statement to be, “John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell - but he won't even go to the cave where he lives.” What? First off, “gates of hell” and the “cave where he lives” sound pretty much like the same, I think McCain meant he would hunt down bin Laden at all costs or increase the search. And second, saying McCain won’t go to the cave where Osama lives is pathetic seeing its obvious McCain can’t because and here’s a shocker, OSAMA’S HIDING!
I can definitely see why people are do drawn to Barack Obama, but I feel that, especially now, he needs to really elaborate on what he plans to do for America. Enough with the “failed” Republican policies; enough John McCain served his country and we thank him but…; enough with Washington/America are down in the dumps, and enough “it’s time for change”. Please, give me a reason!
“This country of ours has more wealth than any nation, but that's not what makes us rich. We have the most powerful military on Earth, but that's not what makes us strong. Our universities and our culture are the envy of the world, but that's not what keeps the world coming to our shores. Instead, it is that American spirit - that American promise - that pushes us forward even when the path is uncertain; that binds us together in spite of our differences; that makes us fix our eye not on what is seen, but what is unseen, that better place around the bend.
...America, we cannot turn back. Not with so much work to be done. Not with so many children to educate, and so many veterans to care for. Not with an economy to fix and cities to rebuild and farms to save. Not with so many families to protect and so many lives to mend. America, we cannot turn back. We cannot walk alone. At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future. Let us keep that promise - that American promise - and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess."
America has its share of problems, but we’re not bad off. If we need improving, Obama and McCain have told us what it is, and now the time has come to really talk about what their plans are. If Barack hopes to be America’s next president, this country needs to hear more than just another inspiring Barack speech.
While Halloween is still two months away, I wonder if anyone told Charlie Brown that the Great Pumpkin would be speaking at the Democratic Convention in Denver. Deciding that the orange pant suit would work best on camera, Hillary Clinton took to the stage not as the vice-president nominee but as a proud Barack Obama supporter.
“Whether you voted for me, or voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose. We are on the same team, and none of us can sit on the sidelines.” Well of course they have to unite; Hillary had to tell her supporters to vote for Barack for the sake of the Democratic Party. Especially since many women are switching over to John McCain instead. Said Hillary, “Barack Obama is my candidate, and he must be our President.”
And while Tuesday night was Hillary Clinton’s big chance to bring the masses to Obama, instead it sounded more like another “bowing out of the campaign/goodbye” speech. I mean did anyone else notice how many times she said, “I will always…, or I ran…”? She spoke more about what she ran for then why Americans should elect Barack Obama; doesn’t that just make everyone a little nervous? Sure they list their reasons why America is going down the drains (and are we really, I mean seriously?), but how much have they really talked about what they’ll do? The Democrats can yell “change” all they want, but a nice change would be to see them talk about fixing problems then just stating that there are problems.
It’s also common for either parties to put their opponent down, but I think I have to say that Hillary really did give a good one to McCain. “John McCain says the economy is fundamentally sound. John McCain doesn't think that 47 million people without health insurance is a crisis. John McCain wants to privatize Social Security. And in 2008, he still thinks it's okay when women don't earn equal pay for equal work. With an agenda like that, it makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities, because these days they're awfully hard to tell apart.” Burn!
So finally, when you look past her campaign stories, the history of women’s rights, and how America can’t afford to have four more years of failed Republican policies, you’re left with this final insert, “oh yeah and vote for Barack Obama.”
Rest easy America because the day has finally come where Barack Obama has announced his running mate….OPRAH!!!!! Yes, Oprah Winfrey will be Obama’s VP and to help with the whole high gas prices issue, all supporters are getting a FREE HYBRID!!!!!!!!- Taxes included.
Alright so it’s not Oprah, but instead Sen. Joe Biden. Yes he who once said that Obama wasn’t ready to be America’s next president, is now his running mate. Of course Biden himself ran for the 2008 presidency but failed, but when asked if he wanted to be vice-president his answer was “no”.
Said Biden to Brian Williams on the June 22 edition of Meet the Press, “Now--number one, I, I am not interested in being vice president. I've let the candidate know. If the candidate asks me to be vice president, the answer is I got to say yes. But he's not going to ask me…if the presidential nominee thought I could help him win, am I going to say to the first African-American candidate about to make history in the world that, "No, I will not help you out like you want me to"? Of course, I'm--I'll say yes.” So for the sake of the Democratic Party, Biden said yes.
Now when the 3 A.M announcement went out on Obama’s VP pick, Sen. McCain’s campaign was quick to respond. Including the statement made by Biden on his thoughts on Obama’s readiness, the McCain campaign added Biden’s thoughts on McCain, which was a more positive opinion.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had this to say on Sen. Biden on today’s Meet the Press, “He is well-respected throughout the world. Not only does he know the leaders of other countries, they know him and they respect him. So I believe that on that issue when it comes to the security of our people, whether it's in their neighborhoods or in the security of our country, we will see a strong message coming from the Democrats.”
Some say that Biden has just as much experience in Washington as John McCain. So does Biden help make up for where Barack lacks? Is he the other 98% to Obama’s 2%? Now Biden brings a lot, just maybe not the Hillary supporters, and that’s where McCain needs to act. So with the Democratic Convention kicking off this weekend, America will be hearing a lot about Presi…I mean Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden and Barack Obama.
When I'm making a grilled cheese sandwich or pancakes, I usually flip them a few times to see if their ready- call it a lack of patience. In politics we look for the candidate who comes close enough to the person we want in the White House. That process begins the moment we hear about the possibility of their run for the presidency, or we just like them and what them to run. The candidates will face the nation and tell you what their plans are for America, how they can turn things around from bad to good. But if a candidate says one thing on one day and changes his opinion on it the next, we call him or her a "flip-flopper".
When a candidate flip flops, the media or ourselves are quick to change the attitude or view of that candidate. A campaign ad by Barack Obama will tell you that John McCain voted against alternative energies, but if you've had your ears on the radio or TV you know McCain is now for them. Democrats will tell you that McCain has flip-flopped and is now sharing ideas of Obama. Barack Obama voted against the invasion into Iraq, he can't admit the surge worked, but now that he finally went over to the Middle East his views on a time-table seem to be a little more open minded.
So is flip-flopping wrong? It is if you just can't tell where the candidate is leaning or what he or her will end up doing, making the risk factor greater. When voting for any politician of any party there's always a risk, because you just don't know if they'll stay true to what they promised. So keep your eyes and ears open, because if your candidate changes their mind it's either for better or for worse.
If you're still standing at the gas pump saying to yourself, "I'm tired of all talk and no action, I want lower prices," you'll still be saying that next time you have to fill up.
While Democrats and Republicans understand your pain (hopefully), they don't quite see the same solution. On Friday, just before Congress was to begin a five-week recess, they failed to pass energy legislation and other measures aimed at lowering the price of gasoline. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi had the microphones turned off, the TV feeds to C-Span were stopped and the lights were dimmed after the pre-noon vote to adjourn for the August recess- but Republicans stayed behind. "Madame Speaker, where art thou?" shouted out Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, "Where oh where has Congress gone?" Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla. said, "Congress shouldn't leave its business unfinished while American wallets are drained at the pump." During the five hour protest, the GOP leaders demanded that the president call a special session of the Congress on energy.
On the subject of oil President Bush said, "To reduce pressure on prices, we need to increase the supply of oil, especially oil produced here at home." Unfortunately for the president, the Democratic Congress refuses to allow a vote. The president has acknowledged it would be years before any of the oil beneath the offshore waters could be pumped, but he said "lifting the ban would create new opportunities for American workers and businessmen."
Barack Obama said that he would consider accepting some new offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico in exchange for stripping oil companies of tax breaks and extending several tax credits to spur the search for alternative fuels. Stated by Michael Powell of the New York Times, " Mr. Obama has until now opposed any expansion of lands for offshore drilling. But in a news conference here, he noted that there had been “very constructive” talks between Senate Republicans and Democrats on this issue in recent days, applauding a plan unveiled by a group of Republican and Democratic senators to permit drilling while supporting an effort to convert most vehicles to using alternative fuels in 20 years."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls it a hoax, saying it won't solve the crisis at the pump. How do the Democrat know this when no offshore drilling has taken place? Or right, their "experts". The Democrats want the oil companies to drill on the available land, but that leaves the question as to why they won't. They say offshore drilling won't solve anything, well maybe that's a chance that'll just have to be taken, but if nothing is done now, then our problems will just be extended. President Kennedy said he wanted to get a man to the moon in ten years, if they hadn't started it wouldn't have happened. He also said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Hmmm, for right now I'll stick with what the country (Congress) can do- act!
John McCain put Paris Hilton in a video comparing Barack Obama to that of a celebrity who isn't fit to run the country, and Paris and the media aren't finding it hot. For anyone thinking John McCain is saying Sen. Obama is just like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears, I doubt that's what the McCain campaign was going for- Obama's IQ levels are way higher.
Sen. McCain's recent ads going against Sen. Obama, have received much criticism from, and here's a shocker, those who don't support John McCain. It's been pointed out that McCain promised to run a clean campaign, because as he put it, " Americans want a respectful campaign. They're tired of the attacks. They're tired of the impugning people's character and integrity. They want a respectful campaign, and, and I, and I am of the firm belief that they'll get it and that they can get it if the American people demand it and reject a lot of this negative stuff that goes on." McCain's proud of the ad, but many believe this puts a negative outlook on him and can only do more harm than good for his campaign. Barack Obama says we should not be talking about Paris but the issues in America. Well maybe the only Sen. McCain can get to talk about the issues is to create ads calling Obama unfit to lead so that Americans will look McCain and see what he has to say.
If you look at any of the ads the candidates air, it's better to watch and come up with your own opinion rather than the one the media will give you. But apparently common sense has to come in the form of a burning bush to get people's attention, for instance there's another McCain ad where some say he's comparing Obama to Moses. No, the scene used from The Ten Commandments is Moses at the Red Sea proclaiming,"Behold his mighty hand," which is followed by the presidential seal bearing Obama's name, as if to say, "look here comes Mr. Wonderful or Captain America." Take a look for yourself at the going against Obama's "Hakuna Matata" talk.
Barack Obam's ad compare McCain to President Bush, and say McCain's offering the same old politics and the same failed policies, of course he's not copying McCain's style. It's funny how the media is shocked that Sen. McCain would air an ad making Obama unfit for the presidency- it's almost like he's trying to win an election.