Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Final Debate

In this point we're not going to worry about who won, or what's true and what isn't. Instead I'll encourage you to study the candidates on the issues and use common sense. Anyway, here are some highlights from the final debate.

John McCain:

  • Americans are hurting right now and they’re angry.
  • They want this country to go in a new direction.
  • Homeowners first.
  • Help Joe buy that business which he can’t afford due to Obama’s tax increases.
  • Take Joe’s money give it to Sen. Obama and let him spread the wealth around.
  • McCain wants small businesses/& owners to keep their money.
  • Nobody likes taxes; let’s not raise anybody’s taxes.
  • Cut people’s taxes, and create jobs.
  • Stop saving $700 billion a year to countries that don’t like us.
  • Cut Back:
    Marketing assistance programs
    Subsidies for ethanol
    Eliminate the tax on sugar cane based ethanol
  • Can you balance the budget: Yes
  • "Sen. Obama I am not President Bush, if you wanted to run against President Bush you should’ve run four years ago."
  • Obama voted for the energy bill that was full of goodies.
  • I have fought against spending, reform, etc.
  • Obama has spent more money on negative ads than any other campaign in history.
  • Sarah Palin is a reformer.
  • Given money back to tax payers
  • Joe Biden has been wrong on foreign policy issues which are supposed to be his strength.
  • We can offshore drill now, we have to now.

Barack Obama:

  • Rescue package for the middle class.
  • Focus on jobs.
  • End jobs overseas.
  • Let’s help families right away.
  • Fix healthcare and education.
  • Homeowners renegotiate mortgages.
  • McCain’s plan is a giveaway to banks.
  • We both want to cut taxes.
  • McCain wants to add $200 billion add. tax cuts to corporate America.
  • 95% of working families will get a tax cut.
  • 100% percent of McCain’s ads are negative.
  • Special needs will require additional spending.
  • In 10 years we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
    We can’t drill our way out of the problem.

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