“All of us were sent to Washington to carry out the people’s business. That is the purpose of this body. It is the meaning of our oath. And it remains our charge to keep.”
President Bush began with the acknowledgement of how America has been tested in ways none of us could have imagined. He went on to add that much business lies unfinished and the American people can expect it to get done.
Speaking first on matters of the economy, Mr. Bush said that unless congress acts, most of the tax relief will be taken away. He stated how he plans to make the tax relief permanent. He also added that if any bills calling for the raising of taxes reach his desk, he will veto them. “American families have to manage their budgets- so should their government.”

You could almost hear Mr. Bush stressing how he was doing his best to live to the hopes that won him his first and second terms. Some of the topics in his address may have echoed those of past address but if so they were to stress how he has not forgotten them. If congress does not act on something, it is his job as the leader of America to see to it that they do.
Speaking on the No Child Left Behind program, the president stated how the program is working. However, it there are still difficulties’ in the manner that the number of high school drop outs must be reduced. If such a task it to be completed, one first spark academic interest- along with interest in surviving in the real world, and realizing what the real world holds.
The president spoke how America must lead the way to finding new ways in technology to achieving a better environment. Reverse the flows of green house gasses and developing renewable fuels. The president also proposed the banning of allowing the cloning of human life.
On the matters of immigration, Mr. Bush spoke on how America needs to prevent immigrants from entering illegally, by investing in new ways of handling such situations. However, America must also look towards establishing lawful ways for foreigners to come and support our economy.

Scattered throughout his address was the subject of the War on Terror. President Bush said how for the safety of America we are spreading the hope of freedom and the peace of the world. But fighting terrorists comes at a price. Troops are still being sent back and they can expect tough fighting ahead. The president commented on the belief that the surge is not working- saying that al-Qaida is on the run and they will be defeated. “We will deliver justice to our enemies,” said the president. General Petraeus says that pulling out now would deteriorate the success of the Iraqi people and their government- for they ARE taking control of their future. He went on to add that failure in Iraq would result in the strengthening of the terrorists.
Though the war is such a heated and controversial topic, the president stated that the soldiers have the gratitude of the entire nation. When it comes to the war America will do three things; 1. Confront those who threaten out troops; 2. Stand by our allies; and 3. Defend vital interests in the Persian Gulf. And to increase the activity of lowering the communications of terrorists and in locating them, the president stated how congress has until February 1st to provide the funds needed in tracking

But while troops continue to be sent back to the Middle East, the president stated that 20,000 troops are coming home. He also added how the funding is needed to continue to support veterans of wars past and today. Any unused education benefits given to veterans should be transferred to their spouses and their children.
“And so as we continue to trust the people, our nation will prosper, our liberty will be secure and the state of our union will remain strong. So tonight, with confidence in freedom’s power, and trust in the people, let us set forth to do their business. God Bless America.”
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